
About World Neighbours Canada

World Neighbours Canada (WNC) was founded in southern B.C in 1989 and our programs are currently active in three areas:

• Nepal (Asia)
• Burkina Faso (Africa)
• Honduras (Central America)

The programs work to lead people to be reliant on their own powers and resources.

That means we help people in the program areas analyze and solve their own problems, and then we encourage and train leaders local to the project areas to carry out their own solutions (with our financial support).

Nothing is done “for” the people, or “to” the people in these countries – rather, the people make improvements on their own. We think that really increases the potential for lasting change.

All of the money raised by WNC from individual donors goes to projects in the program areas. Our organization is run by volunteers who work out of their homes. Our modest administrative costs are covered by grants and by donations from our directors.

We are non-sectarian and support people of all faith traditions, and are a federally registered charity (BN 89212 8646 RR 0001).

World Neighbours Canada was started in Oliver in 1989. The first Board of Directors included local residents Graem Nelson, Marion Boyd, Vivian Calder and Michael Newman.

You will find the current board here.

World Neighbours Canada • Box 1771, Oliver, B.C., Canada • V0H 1T0
250-498-1713 • info@worldneighbours.ca
Federally registered charity BN 89212 8646 RR 0001