Beating back the desert in Burkina Faso

Interesting article published two days ago in Science Daily about one of the ways Burkina Faso is attempting to deal with its very difficult climate and soil conditions.

“In Burkina Faso, what was once stony semi-wasteland is now covered in verdant crop fields, rescued from relentless desertification. Using simple agricultural techniques largely spread by word-of-mouth, this tiny West African state has rejuvenated vast stretches of scrubby soil over the past 30 years, proving they are not doomed and giving hope to other vulnerable areas in the region.”

Though the article in the newspaper is about a village in northern Burkina Faso (Rim), the technique is being used more and more in our project area, Fada. The results are not yet as remarkable as those in Rim, but farmers, both women and men, are using the technique more and more.

Click here to watch a short video and a more thorough explanation

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