Honduras Gallery (Click a photo to open slideshow) A coffee cooperative pools their resources. The view from Azabache (l to r) Edwin Escuto, Senia, Michael Newman and Victorino Ever Perez and Manuel Castellanos This plantain harvest will help feed the family. Juan Carlos Ordonez is the Food Soveirnty Facilitator for Vecinos Honduras. He has been working with the men. A few members of Empresa Campesino Union and Esfuerzo Collective. At the meetings health education occurs. Mapping the community if an important step in identifying strenghts and needed focus. Ever A Perez -A self taught Carpenter who was encouraged to start his own business. A powerful mural at the vecinos Honduras office in Choluteca Dileyla Funez displaying the new school latrines. Dileyla Funez, with a parent volunteer demonstrate the water collection system. A mother guide working with the other children. Improved stoves make a world of difference for women, their families and the environment. Water systems remain creative in places. A silo for storing corn kernels. Full mural the the Chulateca office Regular monthly meetings allows volunteer monitors to weigh and measure the local infants and observe for malnutrition or disease. The farmers group in El Chaparral. Attending a workshop The map they created of their community. Diverse planting increase sustainability, output and help the soil. Community Health Boards made up of local volunteers plan and organize health related initiaves. This strain of beans they have been working on is very abundant. The meeting is about to begin in El Chaparral. Manuel Castellanos has been with vecinos Honduras since the beginning. He has stayed on in Azabache to offer support and mentorship to the economic development groups and entrepreneurs.