World Neighbours DFATD proposal is approved

Earlier this month, we learned that the World Neighbours Canada proposal submitted to the federal government in January 2015 had been approved. This is very exciting news for a

Vera Radyo, friend and supporter of WNC with Kerry-Lynne Findlay, Minister of National Revenue at the MNCH project announcement presentation
Vera Radyo, friend and supporter of WNC with Kerry-Lynne Findlay, Minister of National Revenue at the MNCH project announcement presentation

number of reasons, not the least of which is the number of hours that we spent during the Christmas vacation meticulously filling out the 54 page application document!

As a result of this successful application, we will receive government funds for the next five years to support the work of our partners in Nepal, Burkina Faso and Honduras with respect to Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (this was the focus of the call for proposals from the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development).

World Neighbours Canada would not have been able to submit the application WITHOUT the support of our donors – 15% of the funds for the project have to be raised from private donations. A huge THANK YOU to our donors for allowing us to be eligible for this initiative.

We will be able to help many more people in need improve their lives over the next five years. And we will rely completely on individual donors to provide our portion of the funding – we really look forward to your continuing support!

We were one of only four organizations from BC whose project application was successful. The following link will allow you to see the government’s announcement of the successful applications. We are thrilled to have our proposal accepted and acknowledge the support of DFATD, which will allow us to continue and expand the support for our projects over the next five years.

Here is the link to the DFATD  announcement.

World Neighbours Canada • Box 1771, Oliver, B.C., Canada • V0H 1T0
250-498-1713 •
Federally registered charity BN 89212 8646 RR 0001