164 families helped

Suresh Shreshta sent the following update yesterday about the distribution of relief material, along with several photos to illustrate the way the relief materials are being distributed.

Photo 02

This is just quick information that yesterday on June 03, 2015, TSS has distributed the following relief materials per family to 164 Dalit families, so-called untouchable lower caste people of Ramechhap, under the relief fund of WN Canada. This is now on-ongoing mainly focusing to Dalits. I have attached some photographs herewith. We would like to thank WN Canada and all the supporters for making this possible for the earthquake victims. TSS has transported all the relief materials to the nearest road-head of the community. Thank you.”            

These materials include: a 30 kg. rice packet, 2 kg. of lentil. 1 liter of cooking oil and 1 packet of salt.

Photo 01 Suresh has also explained that hopefully some of the donation monies will be used to repair damage to the water systems that occurred as a result of the earthquake:

“…. we are also getting information from some communities, regarding the damages of water structures, particularly intake which was built close to water source. Once our technicians are free, they will make field visit and collect the data of damages.”

Photo 05

Photo 10





Needs of Ramechhap villagers: your $$$ at work

posted by Judy Gray; with information from Suresh Shrestha

The following information has been provided by Suresh, coordinator of TSS (Tamakoshi SewaRelief Proposal to WN Canada by TSS Samiti) to explain how the Nepal Earthquake Relief money sent by WNC will be used. In his proposal, Suresh provides details about the distribution process as well as describing the emotional effects of the earthquake. A few excerpts have been highlighted, along with a couple of pictures; the entire proposal is also available at the end of this article.

Suresh writes: “It will be not possible to provide relief support to all victim families of Ramechhap, as it needed huge money even for a small support for all. … TSS wants to support those families who are economically poor & socially drowntodden. Under this criteria, it is also assessed that who have less access of relief support, full destruction of houses and severe damages of houses.”

“The basic relief support required for the victims are mainly the tarpaulin sheet for shelter and rice Nepalfor eating. … TSS will provide its relief support in two ways – (1) the tarpaulin to those families who still greatly need it and (2) a set of food stuff (rice 30 kg pack) per family. Such kind of support will not be enough for the victims. However, we can share our helping hands. TSS will directly distribute the relief support to the selected victim families.”

 ” People are now suffering with post-traumatic terror. Due to the possibility of another great earthquake, people are again staying in open space under the temporary tents. Due to such terror, we are also treating general patients and the victims in open compound of our hospital building.”

“It is also expected of another natural disaster (flood & landslide) in coming monsoon, as many public houses have been badly hit by two big earthquakes. There is also great possibility of (disease) outbreak due to damages of houses, open cleaning, washing & defecation. Many domestic toilets have been also damaged due to two powerful earthquakes.” Continue reading “Needs of Ramechhap villagers: your $$$ at work”

Oliver Sikh Temple fundraising for Nepal

posted by Judy Gray; with information from Nav Gill

During the month between April 25 and May 25, the Sikh Community of Oliver organized a Ladies Fundraising IMG_9735Tea, shared information at the temple about the devastation of homes and the need for tarpaulins and basic food supplies ( bags of rice) and organized several volunteers to participate in door-to-door canvassing in Oliver, Keremeos, Cawston and Osoyoos.

As a result of their efforts, $17 000 was raised and handed over to World Neighbours Canada to send to TSS to help with immediate survival needs.

The directors at WNC extend a huge thank you to all those who participated in any way with the fuIMG_9803ndraising work. The willingness to devote time to activities that will support the people of Ramechhap is greatly appreciated!

WNC donations matched by the Canadian Government

by Bruce Petch, president of WNC     posted by Judy Gray

It has been one month since the first earthquake hit Nepal, and the date for donations that will be matched by the Canadian government has now passed. We at World Neighbours Canada are thrilled with the response from donors and very happy to be able to send $45 500 to TSS, our partner organization in Ramechhap. The $45 000 will be matched by the Canadian government and through the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFATD) that same amount will be sent to Nepal to be used for needed Earthquake Relief efforts.

When Suresh Shreshta (coordinator of TSS) asked for help, at WNC’s request he submitted a proposal for $25 000 to help with the purchase of tarpaulins and rice. Here is part of his proposal:  “The basic relief support required for the victims are mainly the tarpaulin sheet for shelter and rice for eating. On the basis of above criteria, TSS will provide its relief support in two ways – (1) the tarpaulin to those families who still greatly need it and (2) a set of food stuff (rice 30 kg pack) per family. Such kind of support will not be enough for the victims. However, we can share our helping hands. TSS will directly distribute the relief support to the selected victim families.”                           With $25,000, 100 tarps can be purchased and 1500 X 30 kg. bags of rice.”

Continue reading “WNC donations matched by the Canadian Government”

Over $45,000 donated through WNC for Nepal

by Dale Dodge, WNC Director
(Appeared as letter-to-the-editor, local media)

World Neighbours Canada (WNC) is a small Non Government Organization (NGO) based in Oliver since 1989. We do basic village development work in Central America, in West Africa and in Nepal. The area we work with in Nepal is called the district of Ramechhap, and has long been one of the poorest districts of Nepal.

Continue reading “Over $45,000 donated through WNC for Nepal”

BCCIC Leadership Award goes to TSS

World Neighbours Canada directors learned today that the BC Council for International Cooperation (BCCIC) has awarded their 2015 International Leadership Award to Tamakoshi Sewa Samiti (Tamakoshi Service Society, TSS), the WNC partner organization in Nepal. What exciting news!

Salamat Alieva, Program Officer for BCCIC writes:    “Being nominated by a peer organization for such an award is one of the highest honours which can be bestowed on an organization. BCCIC is very pleased to be awarding this prize to TSS via World Neighbours Canada Society.

Salamat continues, ” This award invites a TSS representative to attend BCCIC’s Annual General Meeting in September 2015 as the key note speaker. BCCIC will fund international travel and related expenses and  is also able to fund a public engagement tour around BC.

Kathmandu2010 (207)
Suresh and his wife, Rajyaswori

We, of World Neighbours Canada, look forward to having Suresh Shrestha, travel to BC this fall to speak about the work of TSS and World Neighbours Canada’s involvement in that work. In light of all the recent turmoil that Suresh Shrestha, the villagers in the province of Ramechhap, and the people of Nepal have been dealing with, it will be an especial thrill for the directors of World Neighbours to to welcome Suresh and hear firsthand about the reconstruction projects that will be in progress by that time. We’ll keep you posted about the details of his speaking engagements.

Spring Newsletter now on the website

The latest World Neighbours Canada newsletter (Spring 2015) is now available on our website. To read about the most recent developments in our projects, click on the Documents icon in the upper right-hand corner of our home page; scroll down through the country reports, past the Financial Reports and  you will find the list of  the most recently published newsletters.     OR …  simply click on the link below!

Spring 2015

Some of the highlights include:

  • Judy Gray’s trip to Burkina Faso
  • Dale Dodge’s information about the water projects in Ramechhap
  • Vecinos Honduras preventative health programs


The earthquake in Ramechhap: a visual journey

posted by Judy Gray; a link to the youtube video: Khinnu – earthquake by Dev Kumar Sunuwar

To better understand and visualize what has been happening in Ramechhap, you may wish to click on the link below to watch a youtube video of the effects of the April 25th earthquake in the area where World Neighbours Canada has been providing support for many years. Ramechhap is also where your donation dollars are going; and TSS (Tamakochi Sewa Samiti) is using the local District Disaster Relief Committee’s data to help with distributing supplies where they are most urgently needed. The youtube video was created by Dev Sunuwar and though, not in English,  the subtitles clearly explain what one is seeing.


Devastation re-visits Ramechhap

posted by Judy Gray; with information from Suresh Shrestha

Our latest communication from Suresh has provided details about the second earthquake in the Everest region of Nepal. Here is Suresh’ account of this latest devastation:

There has been another great shock of earthquake.
1st: 7.3 magnitude at 12.45 pm ~  epicenter Kodari Sindhupalchowk, surrounding district of Ramechhap.
2nd: 5.4 magnitude ~ again epicenter in Kodari.
3rd: 6.3 magnitude ~ epicenter in Ramechhap.
They are all within 2 hours of Ramechhap. We are all safe. I am in Ramechhap, my family are safe in Kathmandu.
This time our two guest houses have been badly damaged in TSS. Due to threat we are treating patients in front of hospital compound.There are already died 3 people, more injury and more damages of houses in Ramechhap.

The earthquake specialist were saying that the big earthquake (of) more than 5.0 magnitude will not come again and not to worry. But it happened again after 17 days. We are very upset.
More later, no electricity here.”

We will update you as we receive news from Suresh; and plan to send a second installment of funds in the near future.


Your dollars are in Nepal !

posted by Judy Gray, with information from Suresh Shrestha

Yesterday, we received an email from Suresh, letting us know that the initial installment of World Neighbours Canada relief funds had been received and that those monies were being used to buy canvas for tents. At first, Suresh mentioned that materials purchased had to be distributed by the local DDRC (District Disaster Relief Committee) as per Nepali government regulations.

However, this morning Suresh informed us that “the government has just changed the decision, that any organization can distribute themselves with prior approval from DDRC mentioning the type of support and the name of communities. Now we have just yesterday got the village level data of destruction and damage from DDRC. Our next plan is to distribute either tent or rice bag by TSS itself with the approval from DDRC on the basis of completely destroyed and more poor community. As we have limited money we are now thinking to support for rice bag through which we can support to more families, compared to tent supply. But there is still need of the tent by the victims, there is shortage of supply for the tent at present.”

To date, TSS has purchased 50 tents and will use the remaining money to purchase and distribute rice. Your support is clearly, MUCH appreciated, and we will continue to update you, our donors, as we receive information from Suresh.

World Neighbours Canada • Box 1771, Oliver, B.C., Canada • V0H 1T0
250-498-1713 • info@worldneighbours.ca
Federally registered charity BN 89212 8646 RR 0001