Groundswell International has recently held their annual Field to Film Festival, showcasing creative short films as part of their Youth Storytellers’ program.

“Last Friday, we had the privilege of showcasing the creative short films of Youth Storytellers from 9 countries and hearing our young panelists’ inspiring words, giving us hope for the future of agriculture,” states information on an email sent out by Groundswell.
Groundswell International is a network of NGO partners working in the Global South.
“We connect smallholder farmers and organizations across 11 countries in West Africa, the Americas and South Asia to generate and scale ecological farming solutions,” states the Groundswell website.
Their mission is to strengthen communities to build healthy farming and food systems from the ground up—systems driven by the people and for the people who feed the world.
Bruce Petch, president (volunteer) of World Neighbours Canada was pleased to see some sights familiar to World Neighbours Canada represented in the films.
“Note that one of the films done in Honduras and the film done in Nepal were produced by our own partner organizations, Vecinos Honduras and BBP-Pariwar respectively,” he said.
Youth Film Festival recordings can be watched here at your leisure.