Help needed for Ramechhap

A request for support, from Suresh, in the earthquake aftermath

posted by Judy Gray, with information from Suresh Shrestha         DSC_0194

As Suresh, of our partner organization in Nepal (TSS) states so clearly in his most recent email, the effects of the recent earthquake are significant in the Ramechhap area. The death toll is, fortunately, quite low, but many many homes have been damaged.

Here is what Suresh says:
“Due to (the) devastating earthquake, over 75% of the houses have been damaged in Ramechhap.  These houses, most of built by mud & stone, are no more suitable to live. The families have been displaced and they are staying in plastic temporary tents. Almost all these families belong to poor and backward. We don’t know whether our government will have enough relief funds for reconstruction and/or renovation of the damaged houses.”

Suresh continues by asking for any support WNC can provide, to be used for food and shelter, until these families can get back on their feet.

“I hereby kindly request all your generous supporters to provide any possible relief fund to TSS, so as we can help the victims of Ramechhap. TSS will not be able to provide the relief fund for construction or/and renovation of the damaged houses. But we want to support them for food & temporary shelter for their survival.

The Nepal Government will also provide relief fund & materials to victims as many countries have announced to support. Despite that, this will not be enough for the victims. It will take time for their complete resettlement. They require basic necessities like food, shelter & clothing on a daily basis. It may be unable (for) our government to provide these until their complete resettlement.

It would be good to channelize your possible support through World Neighbours Canada, our long-time support organization. You can share this email to your friends and other organizations. Thank you very much for your support.


We, of World Neighbours Canada, endorse this request. If you are able to make a donation at this time, we know it will be greatly appreciated! You can donate in any of the usual ways. All monies donated for earthquake relief during the month April 25 – May 25 will go directly to TSS and the Ramechhap district to be used as the need warrants. 

World Neighbours Canada • Box 1771, Oliver, B.C., Canada • V0H 1T0
250-498-1713 •
Federally registered charity BN 89212 8646 RR 0001