In this time of global uncertainty we wanted to share a story from our project in Honduras, to help remind us of the power of community and how we in Canada can help support capacity building, strengthen communities, and improve the health of children through even small improvements. This story features one of a number of projects we are supporting this year.
Carlos Roberto Mejía, a 39-year-old teacher, is in charge of the direction of the “Ramón Villeda Morales School” in the remote community of Isletas Abajo, outside of Langue, Honduras. He has been at the educational center for two years and every day he travels by motorcycle and then on foot from his home in Langue to the educational center. It takes about 45 minutes to get to the school. He doesn’t mind the effort because it is part of his daily exercise.

The school has been forgotten by the State for a long time. Numerous government administrations have come and gone but no support materialized. As a result of this neglect, the educational center had a collapsed common latrine, putting the health of children and teachers at risk. The school and the Parents’ Association (APF) petitioned the local government to address this risk, but their requests were not answered.
Carlos said that after so many years of waiting for someone to provide support for the improvement of the bathrooms and water collection, he was excited to receive the news that Vecinos Honduras was willing to collaborate in the construction of bathrooms and water storage tank in order to improve the conditions of his educational center. That is how Vecinos Honduras, supported by World Neighbours Canada, began efforts to carry out the project.
Carlos talked with community organizations and obtained support from the community to work on this project. In only a matter of days the work began. Community members provided their labour and quickly they managed to build toilets, a base for the Rotoplast tank rainwater collection and installed sinks. The change is positive, improving health and safety conditions for children and teachers

The children, parents and teachers, are grateful for the support provided to help improve the hygiene of their educational center. They believe that the union of forces creates greater possibilities to achieve better conditions