Groundswell International has recently held their annual Field to Film Festival, showcasing creative short films as part of their Youth Storytellers’ program.
“Last Friday, we had the privilege of showcasing the creative short films of Youth Storytellers from 9 countries and hearing our young panelists’ inspiring words, giving us hope for the future of agriculture,” states information on an email sent out by Groundswell.
Groundswell International is a network of NGO partners working in the Global South.
“We connect smallholder farmers and organizations across 11 countries in West Africa, the Americas and South Asia to generate and scale ecological farming solutions,” states the Groundswell website.
Their mission is to strengthen communities to build healthy farming and food systems from the ground up—systems driven by the people and for the people who feed the world.
Bruce Petch, president (volunteer) of World Neighbours Canada was pleased to see some sights familiar to World Neighbours Canada represented in the films.
“Note that one of the films done in Honduras and the film done in Nepal were produced by our own partner organizations, Vecinos Honduras and BBP-Pariwar respectively,” he said.
Caption: Carlos Vijil (right), the Executive Director of Vecinos Honduras, World Neighbours Canada’s partner non-governmental organization (NGO), works with Honduras community members on projects that improve the lives of Hondurans.
If you are curious about how financial contributions to the local non-profit organization World Neighbours Canada (WNC) are being put to work in Honduras, you won’t want to miss one of three upcoming presentations in Kamloops, Oliver, and Vancouver.
“We are very excited about the upcoming visit of Carlos Vijil, the Executive Director of Vecinos Honduras, our partner non-governmental organization (NGO) in Honduras,” stated Judy Gray, a member of the WNC board of directors. “Carlos will be in B.C. for about a week to share his vast knowledge about Honduras.”
Gray stated Vijil is trained as a Sociologist (University of Costa Rica), and has worked in rural development for more than 50 years. He has a thorough understanding of many issues facing Hondurans today, and a passion for improving the lives of Hondurans.
“As part of Carlos’ tour in the interior of B.C., he will be in Kamloops for a few days and we’d like to offer you the opportunity to meet him and learn more about the projects that World Neighbours Canada supports in Honduras, thanks to Vecinos Honduras,” stated Gray.
Vijil will be presenting at private and public venues to talk about the work being done. You can attend a Kamloops presentation on Monday, February 26 at 7:00 p.m. at the Kamloops United Church, 421 St. Paul Street, or come and hear more in Oliver, at the Quail’s Nest Art Centre, 5840 Airport Road, Wednesday, February 28 at 3:00 p.m.
His final stop is in Vancouver, at a presentation hosted by the British Columbia Council for International Cooperation (BCCIC) on Thursday, February 29 from 6:30 – 8:30pm at the YWCA Hotel Vancouver, 733 Beatty Street.
“[Vecinos Honduras] aims to strengthen community-based organizations in rural communities so they can advocate for their own needs and priorities, to protect natural resources (including watersheds), encourage food sovereignty, and ensure sustainable livelihoods for rural people,” states the BCCIC website. “This is a unique opportunity to hear how climate change and environmental and social conflict are impacting communities in Honduras and why collaboration, solidarity and climate justice are critical.”
This session is called Climate Change and Conflict in Honduras: Building Community and Climate Resilience in the Dry Corridor, and it will allow attendees to hear more about the impact of climate change, and the political and economic forces that have exacerbated poverty and social inequity.
While the Kamloops and Oliver presentations are open to drop in, the BCCIC event requires advance registration for the free presentation. For more information, visit their website.
About World Neighbours Canada:
World Neighbours Canada (WNC) is an organization founded in southern B.C in 1989 and currently has programs active in Nepal, Burkina Faso, and Honduras. WNC works with local partners on projects unique to each area, as determined by those in the affected areas. The overall goal is to help partners analyze and solve their own problems, and to encourage and train leaders and organizations local to the project areas. World Neighbours Canada has no central office and overhead costs are minimal. This work relies on public donations, and nearly 100% of donations go directly to the program areas.
About Vecinos Honduras:
Born in 2009 to support the development of the Honduran rural sector, its objective is to “facilitate and accompany participatory and equitable processes of comprehensive human development for families and organizations in rural communities, promoting the sustainable use of resources, food sovereignty, the rescue of moral and cultural values, community health, respect to nature to protect and improve the environment and quality of life for present and future generations.”
About Honduras:
Honduras is one of the poorest countries in Latin America. In terms of per capita GDP, at US$ 2,771.70 (World Bank, 2021), Honduras is the second poorest country in the region behind only Haiti. Worldwide it ranks 137th of 191 countries in the United Nations Human Development Index (2021). Over 50% of Honduras’ total population lives in poverty and 35% of Hondurans live in extreme poverty (income of less than $2/day), with poverty concentrated in the rural areas where half the population of 10.2 million resides. Chronic malnutrition of children (stunting) is widespread. Violent crime has plagued the country for several years, related to the drug trade, corruption and political turmoil. (Sources: Vecinos Honduras, World Bank,
World Neighbours Canada is very pleased to welcome Lydia Tapsoba, who will be visiting BC to present information about an innovative project done by APDC, the local partner of World Neighbours Canada in Burkina Faso. Judy Gray, a director with World Neighbours Canada, will travel with Lydia and assist with translation when necessary.
We are excited about a number of presentations during Lydia’s visit, some open to the public:
Kamloops: Monday, September 25:
Private presentation: International Politics class at Thompson Rivers University
Public presentation: Plura Hills United Church
7:00 pm
2090 Pacific Way, Kamloops
Kamloops: Tuesday, September 26:
Private presentation: SKSS French Immersion classes
Private presentation: McGowan Park Elementary
Private presentation: WNC donors / interested community members
Kamloops/Vernon: Wednesday, September 27:
Private presentation: Probus group (Kamloops)
Private presentation: Okanagan University College International Development class
Public presentation:
6:30 pm at the Vernon Library
2800 30th Ave, Vernon
Oliver: Friday, September 29:
Public presentation: Oliver Curling Club
10:00 am
Oliver Curling Club Lounge
Private presentation: SOSS Social Justice class.
Abbotsford: Sunday, October 1:
Private presentation: World Neighbours Canada AGM in Abbotsford
Gibsons: Monday, October 2:
Public presentation: Gibsons Public Market
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
Coastal Room
Private presentation: Gibsons Conversational French group
Vancouver: Tuesday, October 3:
Private presentation: Virtual lecture at UCFV
Private presentation: Donor’s home
Vancouver: Wednesday, October 4:
Public presentation: British Columbia Council for International Cooperation (BCCIC) event
The full name of the partner organization is Association d’Appui à la Promotion du Développement durable des Communautés défavorisés. It is a small rural development organization in eastern Burkina Faso that World Neighbours Canada has supported, in a variety of ways, since 2009.
Lydia will be presenting information and results of a 15-month experimental project that APDC undertook in 2021- 2022. The project was funded by a grant World Neighbours Canada obtained from the Fund for Innovation and Transformation (FIT). FIT is a program funded by Global Affairs Canada. After project completion, FIT provided additional funding to allow World Neighbours Canada to share the results of the project with Canadians, and also with other villages in Burkina Faso. We are thrilled that Lydia is able to come to Canada to speak about the project and introduce a video created by APDC.
Lydia has worked with APDC when needed since 2007, as their Gender Consultant. For the FIT project, she supported APDC and provided the staff with information to lead gender training workshops for the beneficiary women and their families. She led focus groups and designed surveys during the project to help better understand the gender equality situation in the area. Lydia lives in the capital, Ouagadougou, but has visited the project area many times and has first-hand knowledge of the challenges faced by rural women in the area and throughout Burkina Faso.
Following discussions with women in the rural Eastern region of Burkina Faso, APDC implemented activities with 110 women to allow each woman to set up and manage a household sheep-fattening enterprise. APDC provided training in basic bookkeeping, techniques in the care of the animals, how to choose an animal at the local livestock market, and entrepreneurial training – the traits of a successful businessperson.
A key element of the project was engaging family members, and their embrace of the project was one of the highlights. Following the short video, Lydia will participate in a facilitated discussion about the challenges and potential of economic empowerment of women farmers in a region affected by an increasingly unpredictable climate and frequent attacks by terrorists. Discussion after the video can focus on any of the following topics:
empowering women to lead small family-run businesses
how men and youth are being included in projects that focus on women
why sheep fattening activities are important in the rural economy
approaches to alleviation of poverty in rural Burkina Faso
the effects of climate change in this region of the Sahel
the challenges of working in a region with a severe risk of terrorist attacks
For more information, contact Judy Gray at
“Only God and Vecinos Honduras visits these villages.” (Edwin Escoto, Vecinos Honduras Program Coordinator.)
“Only God and Vecinos Honduras visits these villages,” says Edwin Escoto, with a smile and a glance in the rearview mirror as he drives.
He is the Vecinos Honduras Program Coordinator, and at this point in the journey, I am starting to believe him.
It is October, and we are in a Toyota 4×4 in the mountains of Honduras. The road is becoming more rough, winding and washed out as we climb.
I am here in an official capacity as a board member of World Neighbours Canada, to monitor the Maternal and Child Health Project funded by Global Affairs Canada, in partnership with our private donors.
Vera Radyo and Magda Lanuza from the Kenoli Foundation are also in the truck. They partner on these projects and we’ve coordinated the visit.
Canadian recreational 4x4ing did little to prepare me for the realities of Honduran backcountry driving
This is my first time in Honduras, and I’ve come with no expectations. By that, I mean I had essentially no understanding about what lay ahead.
There is clearly an agenda. I catch bits of it, in Spanish, as they discuss the coming days. And I understand they have filled my time with plans to visit several villages to see many things. I’d read the proposal and the reports about the projects, so I knew what this was all about, at least on an academic level. But I couldn’t find the project areas on a map, and I’ve had little experience outside of my Canadian upbringing.
Plus, I don’t speak a word of Spanish, so finding out the plans is a challenge all around. So I keep an open mind, and listen intently to the Spanish sentences, trying to pick up what I can, asking for translation when a translator was available.
Luckily, I’ve driven on rough roads before, though Canadian recreational 4x4ing did little to prepare me for the realities of Honduran backcountry driving. But it helped to quell the panic about the steep inclines and the washouts; the men walking with machetes, and pretending not to be startled when we come across motorcycles rushing at us on blind corners (sometimes on the wrong side of the road). The backs of others trucks we see are full of extra passengers, making the trek up to the villages, or down to Danli, the nearest city.
Almost two hours later: “We get out here.” It’s a farmer’s gathering. We are in a village named Las Flores, and they are expecting us.
It’s a transformed soccer field, with people of all ages celebrating. There is a row of tables on one side of the field, displaying fruit, vegetables. One table has recycled containers of organic fertilizer and pesticides – methods they are learning and teaching each other, from Vecinos Honduras workshops.
All these are the fruits of the labour put in by village participants, who are learning and teaching each other, as part of Vecinos Honduras projects.
It was a grand start to four days of visiting in both the Azabache and the El Guano areas, listening to the stories of project participants, learning about their lives, their struggles, and their successes.
In Claveles, I visited family homes, then a meeting to weigh and measure their young children.
Monthly baby weigh-in sessions are improving child health in Honduras.
The monthly weigh-in is a part of their routine now, thank you to the programs. Before, mothers could never be sure how their babies were growing, or if they were thriving. Now, they see the numbers, and if the young ones are not thriving they get some hands-on advice. Usually, the next month sees an improvement, along with much relief to the mothers and fathers.
In my time in the villages, I watched a monthly child stimulation class; I visited health committee meetings, and heard about goals and struggles.
La Libertad has land set aside for a health centre – they want to put up a building where they can maybe bring in a nurse to help care for pregnant mothers, young children and other health needs. Now, they have to walk about three hours on the rough roads to get to the nearest health centre – in Beuna Esperanza.
Not only did we visit the current project areas, we made a few stops in the El Guano area. This is an area where there are examples of great success from past Vecinos Honduras projects.
Eva Lagos has mastered the making and selling of fried plantain chips, and is supporting her children’s attendance in a better school with her profits.
For example, we visited Eva Lagos, who has mastered the making and selling of fried plantain chips, after learning at a Vecinos Honduras workshop. She sells many pre-packaged bags – enough to make more than $400 USD per month, which she uses to send her children to a better school.
A coffee co-op meeting was held in El Guano, where we heard about the co-op’s successes and ongoing challenges. They have made enough of a profit that they have started a micro-lending program – one per cent interest for women, two per cent for men – a far cry from the interest rates offered by intermediaries who lend to the communities at a huge interest rate that can virtually never be re-paid. We also visited a member of the co-op who used a loan from the coffee co-op to build a coffee dryer.
In Claveles, Francisco Aradón, the water board president, told us about their work. The water board now has two female members, and his village is installing a new water system. Their next goal is to purchase the chlorine they want to use to keep the water safer – something they learned about at a Vecinos Honduras workshop.
Felicita Zaróm back in 2007, after installing an improved stove in her home.
In the El Guano area, I met Felicita Zaróm, who was a participant in Vecinos Honduras programs more than 10 years ago, building one of the first indoor stoves. She’s a community health promoter, and says the programs have changed her life.
Felicita Zaróm now, in 2017, 10 years later.
“I feel like a free woman. After these trainings I realized I was able to speak up in a meeting. I learned to socialize with others, I learned to speak up and have no more fears,” she says.
In my time there, not only did I see the latrines being built – I used them. I washed my hands, and some dishes, at the pilas (a combination between a sink and a water tank); I drank coffee and spice tea made on the indoor, smokeless stoves that are being installed at a rapid rate in homes.
On my last day, I visited a village called San Jose, where Vecinos Honduras was sponsoring a celebration – the International Day of Rural Girls and Women. It took place in a concrete building with a tin roof – hot, sweaty inside. But there was grand celebration – dancing, pinatas, and lunch. I danced with Manuel Castellanos, the community participation facilitator.
I left Honduras with a much better understanding of our programs, the people who run them, and the people who participate. I learned to say Buenos Dias, Mucho Gusto, and Gracias – so much to be thankful for, and much to celebrate in these hard-won successes in the remote communities of Honduras.
If you are interested in seeing more about the programs in Honduras and more images, here’s a slideshow. You can hover over the images and use right and left arrows to view the images below!
Are you looking for the perfect Christmas gift? Please consider making a donation to World Neighbours Canada in someone’s name.
Your family member or friend will receive a beautiful handmade card with a photo from one of our programs, and a needy community will benefit from your generosity. Our cards are made individually by our volunteers, so if you would like photos from a particular country that we work in, just let us know!
And remember, the entire amount of your donation will go directly to support one of our programs in Nepal, Burkina Faso, or Honduras.
To arrange this, visit our donation page by clicking here. You can choose to make a one-time or recurring donation of any amount, and enter information about who you would like us to send the card to.
Now, you can visit and donate through our site, on our Donation page here.
Your donation can be made on a one-time basis, or on a recurring, on-going monthly or annual subscription basis! You can also re-visit at any time to change or cancel your scheduled donation.
World Neighbours Canada Society relies on public donations. 100% of your donation will go into the projects – we have no paid staff members and our group is run by volunteers (our modest administrative costs are covered by our directors).
We also receive funding from Global Affairs Canada (GAC) as part of the Canadian government’s initiatives for improved Maternal, Newborn and Child Health in developing countries. More information about us here.
If you need any more information, please contact us any time!
If you are wondering how to honour your mother this Mother’s Day, why not consider making a donation in her name to World Neighbours Canada and have your money go directly to support mothers not as fortunate as yours.
All our projects support some of the poorest women in areas of Nepal, Honduras and Burkina Faso and provide opportunities for women, and often mothers, to acquire skills that will allow them to earn a little money of their own, improve their health and better care for their children.
Should you wish to have a card sent to your mother as a memento of your gift, please send an email to the following address (, along with your name, and the name and address of the recipient and a card will be mailed shortly. Information about making a donation is available on the
posted by Judy Gray, with information from Laurena Rehbein
Laurena Rehbein, one of World Neighbours Canada’s directors, has recently announced some big news regarding her work.
“With great excitement, I am pleased to announce that I am embarking on a new adventure,” Laurena recently said in a news release. “As of April 11, I have stepped into a new role as a remote employee of a company named Automattic.”
For the last number of years, Laurena has been self-employed running her graphic design and web development business, Write this Down Freelancing. Her new position will be a very natural extension of that work, as it revolves around the open-source web-building software called WordPress, which is used to power approximately 25% of the world’s websites (including the World Neighbours Canada’s website, and most of the others built by Laurena over past years).
“My job title will be ‘Happiness Engineer’ and I will be part of an amazing team that provides user support to eCommerce clients with the WooCommerce plugin,” she said. “I’ve also had to dust off my passport, as there is a fair bit of travelling involved.”
Her new position is a remote position, meaning she will still be working from Oliver, and will still be occupying her office on Oliver’s Main Street.
Since last fall, Laurena has also been part of the South Okanagan WordPress Meetup group, which will still continue and is and looking for new members. This group is an informal get-together for anyone who uses WordPress – for personal use, as a business-person, or as a developer. The meetings are free, and happen once per month at the Oliver Bakery. (
As always, her commitment to World Neighbours Canada (WNC) remains strong. As is the case for all of the board members, her position is completely volunteer – WNC has no paid staff and minimal overhead, meaning all of your donations can be used directly for the ongoing projects. Laurena’s primary role with WNC is to design and layout the twice-annual newsletters, as well as website maintenance.
posted by Judy Gray article by Neven Mimica from theGuardian
A recent article by Neven Mimica, published in theGuardian praised the Burkinabé government for the peaceful way that transitions occurred after last November’s elections. Mimica adds that “the EU is confident in the future of Burkina Faso, even though we are aware of the high expectations in the country and of the regional challenges. Indeed, work needs to continue to consolidate stability, reconciliation and democratisation, in the context of the terrorist and extremist threat to the region.” As a result of the nature of the transition and the efforts of the new government, Mimica states that the “EU has committed around €623m (£481m) for the coming years: we will support governance, access to healthcare, water and sanitation, resilience and food security.”
posted by Judy Gray; with information from Vera Radyo
Vera Radyo, Executive Director of the Kenoli Foundation, a Vancouver-based organization with which World Neighbours Canada works closely in Central America is currently in Honduras to visit project areas in that country. Vera is also a friend and supporter of World Neighbours Canada, and she is the co-chair of the BC Council for International Cooperation. Here are her comments about the situation in that country; especially important on International Women’s Day (March 8th), in light of the recent murder of Berta Caceres, a long-time indigenous human rights activist.
Vera writes: “I salute my sisters all around the world on this special day! I am honoured to be in Honduras to share in the struggles of women here.
It is not an easy time here. As we arrived in the capital city, Tegucigalpa, it was raining heavily, so rare during this time of year that is known for its never ending sun. As we drove south into the dry corridor, we saw so many rivers dried out. Both are examples of extreme climate change.
However, what has shocked people in Honduras and worldwide, is the recent murder of Berta Caceres – an Indigenous Lenca woman, human rights and environmental activist. She was opposing the lack of consultation with Indigenous people about a proposed dam on their lands. We met Berta a few years ago and she was friends with a couple of people on the Kenoli team. Many think her death was politically motivated, to silence her and others like her.
We joined a women’s march and forum opposing violence against women. We learned that in the last 5 years, there have been 5,500 women murdered in Honduras. 95% of murderers are never brought to justice in this country that has one of the highest murder rates in the world.
I was impressed with the courage and determination of the women at the forum. They were not about to be silenced, nor do they want her death to be in vain. They will not allow her death to be forgotten and become another statistic of unsolved murders. Continue reading “International Women’s Day in Honduras”